Saturday, July 23, 2011

LA Law

The City of Los Angeles has stepped up to the plate and hit one out of the park. The Los Angeles City Council just passed a new against harassing bicyclists (story). This groundbreaking ordinance is something that will hopefully be followed nationwide. Big props to the advocates in Los Angeles and the City Council for having the fortitude to pass such a law in the most car-centric metropolitan area in the United States.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Just to mix things up a little, I took a cruise on my Y2K Schwinn Cruiser Supreme on Monday.

Somehow I found myself heading up Left Hand Canyon.

Glendale Station and the big blue cruiser.

Cruising up Left Hand Canyon Road at about 8,000ft MSL.

Rolling into Ward, CO at 9,450ft MSL.

Dropping into Peaceful Valley...looks peaceful, doesn't it?

40.1402°N 105.4841°W

The bustling and newly repaved Riverside Drive in Raymond, Colorado.

No more pics because as I was pulling onto Lyons, a deluge struck and I was soaked to the skin. A stop at Oskar Blues' Chubway for a sammich and a beer fueled the rest of the trip back into Longmont.